Become a Delegate

Become a Delegate in the Hydra Network

Delegates are at the heart of IOP’s public and permissionless Hydra Blockchain. Active delegates are those from the community who have been elected and authorized to mine / forge Hydra tokens. Mining is the process of discovering blocks in a Proof of Work (POW) consensus model such as Bitcoin and then being compensated for it. This process is called forging in a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus model.

While there can only be 53 active forging delegates in Hydra, registered non-forging delegates are enrolled on standby. A non-forging delegate can jump in at any point and replace one of the top 53 active delegates that fall out of service. This scheme is very resilient and provides non-forging delegates an opportunity to replace active ones at any moment if the community votes a new delegate into the active forging position instead. If you believe you can help secure the network and add value to the wider ecosystem, you can learn how to become a delegate here.














What's Required?

Anyone can become a Hydra delegate.
All you need is a solid setup and a fantastic community-driven attitude.

Hardware Requirements

You’ll need a few things to run your delegate node. At minimum, you’ll need a good setup with some basic memory requirements. We recommend two CPU Cores, at least 8GB of RAM, Ubuntu 18.04 (or any version of Linux that you’re comfortable with), and a 40GB+ SSD. You will need a dedicated server and ideally a backup server. We highly recommend delegate servers to be placed in high-quality networks and not cheap VPS providers. As we have a global reach, all delegates must be interconnected in decent data centers with proper infrastructure.

Skills, Knowledge, and Experience

The encouraging news is that it’s simple to get involved with Hydra. It would be helpful to have a good working knowledge of network technology, but all you need is a willingness to learn. Even if you have never seen a command prompt before, we have step-by-step tutorials and a supportive community ready to educate anyone eager to learn.

Community Engagement

As a delegate you should be involved and connected to the community to secure votes. Forging delegate slots are extremely competitive and it will involve doing more than just operating a node to secure your place.

Offering extra services is highly beneficial and desirable to voters such as checking code for bugs, reporting vulnerabilities, or community outreach. This could be the distinction between being voted in or out.




The first steps are registering your delegate in the Hydra Desktop Wallet and setting up your node. First make sure that you download the wallet and follow the instructions for starting the process below:

Instructions on Github





Hydra Delegates

Visit our community-run delegate resource for more information on delegate proposals and how to submit your own.

Join the Delegate Community

Our delegates are always on hand to assist with any general queries or to let you know what it takes to become a Hydra delegate. Join our Discord using the link below to get involved with the delegate community.