The future of DeFi is multichain

Decentralised finance (DeFi) has strongly shaped the crypto market. Just a year ago, the assets managed by DeFi protocols were around one billion US dollars; meanwhile, the Total Value Locked has increased 60-fold.



After initial teething troubles, the DeFi market has become the growth building block in the crypto space through innovative financial products combined with passive income sources, and is only just hinting at its potential in the process.

By bridge-building between the Hydra- ledger and Ethereum blockchain, the Hydra-Token is ported to a blockchain where smart contracts govern decentralised exchanges. A liquidity mining programme will incentivise the provision of liquidity.

Providing liquidity is important to ensure that trading happens without problems. The introduction of SSI and additional reward mechanisms create demand for the token.

Creating passive revenue streams is one thing, but Hydra's main goal remains to distribute a technology to counter centralisation. With DeFi, we are now broadening and enabling access to Hydra and the Hydraledger technology via the Etherium blockchain.

We call this Hydranomics...